

In filmmaking, Foley is the reproduction of sound affects that are added to films and videos, and other media in post production to enhance audio quality. Foley artists devise and record every day sounds heard in films, television and games.

Notes video

helps bring sound to the story 

Most things you hear in the film are created in sync with the video including the weather it helps bring it to life Foley is used for a variety of weather they do this through a variety of different objects to help emphasise the environment.

Sound scaping

To start with i created a list of sounds to collect to set my scene and narrative

This was used to act as a shot list which ones to do first and shoot and how to put them together in order this helped me keep on schedule and keep track of time.


A sound scape is an environment made up of different sounds to bring it to life and created a sense of realism. The specific sound is a thunderstorm specifically the roars of the thunderstorm and also the fuzzy sound of the rain followed by an occasional heavy drop to create a sense of objects in the way this helps create a more realistic environment. These small changes help implement realism into the environment and make it more immersive for the audience, when these sounds come together they all match up to the environment perfectly. If we wanted to change the environment, we could add sirens, waves crashing, and just like that we wouldn't be immersed or sold on the idea of the soundscape representing a rainforest. The sound of the various insects also helps immerse us in this atmosphere as these would help create a more realistic environment as if you are really there. Without the insect noises this all could seem like a typical woods or really somewhere with no threat as making it known to the audience that there are insects this could also create a somewhat suspenseful atmosphere as coupled with the insect noises we could assume as the audience that there is more that lies within the rainforest. The sound also helps build the environment the impact of the rain changes throughout the soundscape there is sometimes a heavy drop, this heavy drop helps create the atmosphere around us making it known to us that there are objects all around us that impact the rain, this could be anything such as the branch of the tree, or the leaf's of the tree. Throughout the soundscape we also hear the rustle of the thunderstorm building the environment further this helps build the realism even more as without this we can assume as the audience that we are only in a rainforest, including the thunder in this gives the rainforest a sense of location and it is not just a rainforest that is being passed through, it helps build depth to the environment.

The other soundscape i listened to was a new York city soundscape, I had an idea of what to expect from this going into it. In the sound scape you could hear various noises of the city life these included, the blaring sirens all the cars flying by, honks, horns people arguing and drunk people having fun. Together these create the business of the New York as the traffic is constant as are the conversations between everyone. These sounds work together not only to create a sense of business but also night life, if you removed the conversations from everyone you would only have the sirens blaring and the cars flying past this would create a more work based atmosphere. Including the drunk people into the soundscape gives it a sense of a home environment rather then a place where people pass through. The traffic helps us realise that the city is busy and active and full of life without this we may assume that the drunk people are from a smaller town or city.



I will be attempting to create a soundscape of the woods to create a suspenseful piece, I will do this by creating various sounds such as twigs breaking and leaves rustling as they travel through the woods the leaf's and twigs will pick up pace as well to represent as though we are being chased, I think this is a good choice as twigs breaking and leaf's rustling would be an easy sound to replicate using my own Foley also I can add weather to give the woods some character and idea of location. I could also add heavy pants of breath to sell the idea of being chased even more. Throughout the forest there will be a variety of different sounds rustling moving through the leaves stepping on twigs I will do this by simply using bags of leaves and different sizes of twigs this will help the environment gain realism as there is not just the same stick breaking over again because there wouldn't be in a real forest also the heavy panting sound will be my own.


Overall I think the soundscape went very well and I depicted what I wanted to very accurately i think next time I need to think about spending more time on the editing process and taking as much time with it as I need as that is what make or breaks the soundscape here especially mine as mine changes tempo and pace and intensity the sounds have to match that and bring the suspense atmosphere to life so next time I will definitely spend kore time on the editing it was hard for me to judge if my soundscape was ready as well as I wasn’t able to listen to the audio but overall I think I did well creating the different sounds I wanted to with more time editing it could of been a lot better 

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