unit 12 feature film

 Task-1 research

A job role I would like to pursue in film and tv is director of photography,  Director of photographers are responsible for the photographic heart of the production. They read the screenplay and work closely with the director to discuss the look and feel of the film and why it should look this way, Directors of photography are responsible for the narrative that the camera is trying to portray. They research how to create this look through lighting, framing and camera movement and what will be needed in terms of kit to do this.  Skills that will be required are to be knowledgeable of operating systems, hardware and software, knowledge of media production and communication be flexible and open to change, to be thorough and pay attention to detail the ability to work well with others, have the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure.

Letter of application and media cv

Coming of age

First lets define the coming of age genre, typically a coming of age movie is centered around the themes of youth, growing up and maturation with a strong focus on a central character arc these films follow a singular protagonist as they "come of age" meaning the progress onto the next stage of their life. Protagonists are typically young and facing the first major dilemma, ordeal, or awakening of their life. The genre often centers around major shifts or milestones in a characters life as they grow up. Typically the genre includes dramatic elements such as music or comedy in our case music being the most prominent one as the music used in our feature film is set to be a recurring motif throughout the story arcing with the protagonists story throughout the film. Most coming of age films include a hint of romance often the protagonists first romantic experience, however there are expectations to this within the genre. The typical codes within the coming of age drama when it comes to camera work include elements such as close ups, close ups being one of the many important ones especially within a coming of age film as there is a lot of growth and change that is happening with the character that means it is important for the audience to get personal with the character in this case a close up conveys that. Hand held camera work is frequent in many films I believe it would be suited most in a coming of age drama I plan on using handheld throughout this film as I believe it gives the audience an extra sense of intimacy with the character which will overall help the audience resonate with the character more.


My role on the shoot is Director of Photography this means I am at the photographic heart of the production and am responsible for the framing, lighting and camera movements my responsibilities include to read the screenplay and decide which shots would best suite the story that is being told it is important for me to take into account what the writer is considering and how I can convey this through the camera,  I will work closely with the director on speak about how we would like to portray the story I am responsible for making this come to life and responsible for knowing what equipment we will need to make this possible. I will work closely with the camera operator discussing ideas and how we can make them come to life making it apparent to them on how we are going to do this, I will work with the lighting department focusing on the narrative for the light and why it should be a certain temp does it suite the story we are trying to tell ? I will work closely with the colorist in post production making sure the color suits the narrative.

My department consisted of working closely with the lighting operator, the camera operator this role was distributed between me and the camera operator and also the editor working closely with the editor allowed me to help them with the visual storytelling the shots I've used are based on the story the writer is trying to tell, i would help direct the editor in which shots to place where based on the narrative and the dialogue this gave off a more impactful effect. My department shared an important role on the set this was to make sure we captured everything on the day and make sure we had everything we needed to convey the story. It was important to get in early on the day and go through blocking with the director and how this would effect where we placed the camera and the light many days it was down to just me and the director as efficiency was a priority. Me and my department would prioritise in making sure we were organized as our department is at the heart on the production and it would sabotage the rest of the production. It was important that me and my department be some of the earliest to make it to set up and to talk through the lighting setups and where we would place the camera as sometimes location can be different on the  day then you had planned out to be and the director has different ideas as to how they would like the characters to move. Me and my department would make sure that on the day we would convey ideas and see how other people would like to fold an idea into the situation it was important that me and my department share ideas and how they would imagine something playing out as everyone has unique ideas of their own.


this link contains my departments pre production work this was essential to make sure our production ran smoothy.

camera department folder


Thursday 10th January

This was our first filming day i didn't have a shot list for this day which meant i had to improvise again nevertheless we had setup our lighting based on our surrounding and we knew we would want it to be a big contrast from our last scene as this is the scene where the character starts his decline overall day went well we captured everything we needed too.

Monday 15th  January
I'm very happy with how today went, i was very happy with the location the windows were perfect for our lighting setup helping it create a narrative today went very smoothly, the only downfall was that the shot lists weren't printed out so i had to improvise and i managed to get everything we would need to convey the story accurately overall a success.

Wednesday 17th January
We had a big scene planned for today I was prepared and organized for  the big scene when we got to location we realized  that we weren't going to be able to have the lights on in the room as it needed to feel more like night time i understood this side for the sake of the narrative overall it hindered our progress this would mean the light had no narrative in the room it made the  scene feel studio like otherwise  production went smoothly and we managed to capture as much as we could.
Thursday 18th 

We filmed the  last scene of the movie today me and Kenz day the director knew how we would use the camera to make the scene impactful we knew we wanted the lighting to be sterile and cold and overall it worked very well another successful day except once again i didn't have a shot list for this day 

Wednesday 24th January

Today was a big day we had two separate scenes to capture we had planned our schedule around the tide times and the sun this worked in our favor for the first scene we were able to place our subject in-between the sun and the camera giving the scene some very nice backlight we then moved on to Jacks dancing scene which is very impactful as it follows his decent even further i had to make sure i captured all of it which meant that i found myself in the sea at some points overall it was worth it and was a successful day 

Monday 30th January 

We had two very important scenes today Jack and Josies scenes i had arrived early and made sure all the equipment was set up this made our production process easier overall today went smoothly and we had captured everything we needed too.

Tuesday 31st January

This scene was intense we worked in a small space to convey how intense this scene was i decided to shoot different close ups all from the same angle this way the characters would pass in and out of the frame making it more hectic.

Wednesday 1st February
We went back to  the party scene today we knew the setups we would need and we knew what we needed to capture overall was a very successful day.

Little bits from other day

We had some other parts we had to film to make some scenes more fluent such as josies flashback scene this is what we captured on that day


From this production i have learnt a lot of valuable things overall i believe the film was a success but i cant get passed what i could of done better i believe the shots i used are what the story needed and was most effective to convey the conversation throughout the film I think i have chosen my shots well based on the narrative i believe i worked well in the post production aspects giving my guidance of which shots to use when, I think i need to work on my lighting aspects i have learnt throughout this process is to eliminate as much light as possible if it is not needed i have learnt this the hard way through mistakes to do with the lighting throughout the film i do feel as though a lot of the light i have used throughout the film had its reason of being there but there are moments i feel as though would of looked better if the light was eliminated that is if it suited the  narrative  i feel as though i have worked as well as i can with my department i have given everyone a fair opportunity i need to focus on my communication as this is the downfall of my ability if i communicated better i wouldn't of had to spend time doing things myself as i find it hard to articulate what i would like something to look like if i improved upon this it would help me make time for other important aspects within the film that would of worked out better.

 I agree with my peer review form I believe my weakness is my communication but it has improved exponentially over the past year, I believe my strength would be my improvisation I agree that I need to improve on getting my point across that is a big weakness of mine, I believe i have a clear vision but not a clear way of articulating it I believe my weakness is my communication and i keep improving on it with more experience 


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