Feature film


The first week as a production team we made sure we had no previous work to catch up on before we went ahead shooting our feature film this would help as it would mean we could put all of our time and focus into the feature film and there was nothing else stopping us in the process.



Monday(scenes 21,8,7,11) The first day of filming went well i was adjusting to my job role well and understanding it quickly I made sure I communicated with the camera team to make sure the lighting was okay before we went ahead and started filming I was still learning a lot about lighting at this stage and was just getting the grips of it.

Tuesday(scenes 19,9) We started the day with the scene of franks office this was were I started to gain a bit more knowledge of lighting and started to better understand a lot more how it plays out in the scene based on environment and using it to meet the director and director of photograph expectation, scene 9 i wasn't needed for as it was a tight space for all of the crew and the camera team had decided that the lighting in the changing room was good enough.

Thursday(scenes,22,10) This was our first big day as a crew and we all worked together well to hear out what each other had to say I also communicated a lot with the camera team to make sure the lighting was to their standard and to make sure the lighting didn't look studio like and had some narrative i did miss the filming stage on the morning as I had maths but apart from that I made my way to set straight away.


Monday(scene 14) this was our only scene for Monday and overall went well we only had to do a couple of takes I started getting more comfortable in my job role and understanding it a lot more.

Thursday(scene 4) i wasn't able to film this scene with the crew as i had prep for employment.


Monday(Scene 13) We went to a coffee shop today i joined the crew later after maths overall it went well i felt like i was improving at my role and putting a bit more trust in myself.

Tuesday(15,2) Tuesday went well we worked well as a team and I had a shot idea for the D.O.P which turned out very well in the scene we were also supposed to film scene 17 on the night which I was supposed to direct with Jack Harrison but it got rained of and we rescheduled it for another day.

Thursday(20,18) we were back at the gym on this day and on this day I felt a lot more comfortable with my role and had a lot more trust in myself in what I was doing I was also able to speed it up a lot more we all worked very well as a team on this day as well 


Monday(19a,3,17) We had our big social club scene today and it all went very well I had a few problems with the batteries which we managed to fix so we were fine for the rest of the day, this was also the day where we were able to film our scene 17 that me and jack Harrison were supposed to direct as well as Kenz Day as the D.O.P we managed to finish this  today there weere only 6 of us in a crew we did some shots that me and kenz spoke about and I was happy about there was one specifically which was rushed due to the collage closing so we had ten minutes to finish it overall we worked well as a crew I mainly worked alongside Kenz Day who was the D.O.P to work on the visual aspects in the scene I also did the lighting this day.


i have chosen the job role of writer being a writer carries a lot of weight and can make or break a film as you are restricted to what is written a writer has many roles/responsibilities such as:
- Pitch their ideas 
-stand out from the other ideas
-develop plots and characters
-create interesting and complex characters
-research background material 
-proof reading making sure there is no continuity errors
Writing is not easy it takes a lot of time to develop a somewhat perfect idea but even then you may not it takes a lot of time and perseverance and takes a lot of time to build a reputation from writing.

Task-2 Job role

CAMERA TEAM- For the feature film I was placed in the camera team specifically the lighting operator this wasn't a role I had much experience with beforehand infect I had none my responsibilities on the set where to make sure the lighting had some motive and make sure the scene met the visual standards of the D.O.P and the mood of the scene also my responsibility was to make sure that the lighting looked natural and not look like studio lighting, as I was the lighting operator I worked closely with the camera team specifically the camera operators to make sure the light looked good and to also make sure it looked natural i would communicate with the camera team throughout most of the shooting to make sure it was okay. Other members of my team included, Danial, Hollie, Kenz and Josh I think that Kenz Day is very easy to work with especially in my case because we see eye to eye a lot of the time and we are on the same page for a lot of our work this makes it easier to work with him except my job doesn't influence his much my job except when we did a scene and that i directed and he was the D.O.P for we worked very well and agreed on many cases most of the time my job doesnt influence his but it does influence the likes of hollie and danials job as they are preparing the shot as well as me.

Task-3 Pre-Production


https://youtu.be/67i0BTKusW8 HERE IS THE FINAL FILM 
In my opinion the process went very well i have definetly have gained a lot more knowledge and understanding of lighting, overall i think everyone worked well together and we worked well as a team, my understanding of lighting has increased massively since the start where i had some knowledge going into it about the light needing to have motive and based upon the environment around, after this experiance it definetly makes me think about lighting on a whole other level since doing this job.

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